Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Health in the News: Stress, Depression & Suicide


Article Title: Suicide: ‘Permanent solution to temporary crisis'
Date: February 12, 2011 4:51 PM

This article is a detailed research that shows the consequence of suicide from stress- depression to death. Through some people’s experiences on depression and suicide, and ASPC’s guides, the article comprehensively telling us the right opinion about depression and suicide, the sign of depression, moreover, how to overcome the problems.

Big Meaning:
This article displays how people react to the stress and problems they face and choose suicide as a solution. Same as past and present, people always face problems. The problems come as stress to us and it would cause depression. When we are in a depression, we could easily choose suicide as the simplest and fastest solution to get out of the problems. However, it is a misunderstanding, and the problems would never go away. The real ways to solve the problems are; be alive, and take time to solve. First, we need to depend on the medical care, to make our way to get out of depression more comfortably. Subsequently, as time goes, we will deal with the problems with more rational attitude, and the problems that currently seem catastrophic will pass soon.

Personal Meaning:
Job loss, financial problems, loss of important people in our lives; in our life, we have some difficulties and possibly stressful moments that we would face. After I read this article, I realized I will not be the only exception that would not experience those things. Therefore, I decided to be always rational, think twice, and also think of others whenever I would be in difficult situation. Suicide is not a solution, but a path that makes us never able to solve the problems. I will always remind myself, and think the difficulties would be nothing as time passes, and it can be the good opportunity to be more experienced and matured.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Michelle, a good choice of article but I am not sure I really understood what the article was about? Was it talking about why people commit suicide? How to prevent suicide? A little unclear. 13/15
